Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Face 21 of "29 Faces"

This is a graphite pencil sketch..... "Sand Castles 101"


Ayala Art said...

Karen this is gorgeous! Every detail of it
(I hope this posts, the new 2 word verification is really crashing with my browser)

caryn strauss-smith art and design said...

Love your art!

IrelandBrady said...

Thanks Martha! It was a fun picture to draw ....

I know, the 2 word verification is a pain ....

IrelandBrady said...

Thank you Caryn, I like your work too!
Especially your "Lady In Blue" ... very nice!

Gina said...

Now that would make a gorgeous stamp set ! :D XXX

Magic Love Crow said...

Gorgeous!!! This looks like me in the garden! Well, I am a lot dirtier and older! LOL!

IrelandBrady said...

You mean like a rubber stamp Gina? Something to consider....

Well, then my dear, You must be as cute as can be when enjoying your garden!