Scenes N Coloring Pages

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Face 19 of "29 Faces"

Face 19 is of my very favorite doll ... Raggedy Ann!


  1. Great job, Karen Anne! I started a sketch of Raggedy Ann last week, but found it much more difficult than I anticipated...and scrapped the idea, LOL! Yours is just precious!! =) Kathryn

  2. Well thank you Kathryn! The fact that I made up six Raggedy Ann & Andy's as gifts in 2010 probably helped! =)

  3. Brings back such happy memories! I love the drawing.

  4. It does, doesn't Caryn ... I still have my Raggedy Ann from childhood ... and I must say, she is very "raggedy" but still well loved .... sweet memories....

  5. Your favorite doll is a darling! My friend, thanks for your comment for mom ;o) She sends you a big hug ;o)

  6. I feel your Mom's Big Hug and I am giving her a big one back ... Love is as love does and you have a lot of love in your universe, my dear sweet Stacy .... as does your Mom <3


May you always have
Love to share,
Health to spare,
And Friends who care!